Telehealth Visits

Telemedicine Is Here

Telemedicine is a platform that connects patients to their pediatricians via a live video call or phone call. We believe there is no true substitute for an in person visit with your doctor, including a physical examination, but in certain situations, video consults become a good option.

Telehealth appointments may be useful for different areas of pediatric medicine, including, but not limited to the following:

A boy and girl are sitting at a play table looking at each other

Visual Diagnosis

  • Pink eye
  • Rashes
  • Cuts
  • Trauma


  • Sleep Training
  • Breastfeeding
  • Behavior
  • Discipline
  • Nutrition
  • ADHD Medication Checks

Acute Diagnosis

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Mild Respiratory Symptoms

Call Our Office To Schedule A Telehealth Appointment

These visits are by appointment only. You can make an appointment by calling the office.

Telemedicine visits are billed in the same manner as regular office visits. Deductibles and copayments still apply. 

As always, if it is medically indicated that your child come to the office or if you would just feel better to have your child seen in person by a doctor, you will, of course, be given an in-person appointment.

Before Your Appointment
  • Have child practice opening their mouth wide for the camera with your flashlight
  • If cough or difficulty breathing, check your child’s respiratory rate (count the breaths per minute) and heart rate
  • Take several close-up photos of the rash to send (if requested)
  • Write down all of the medicines your child has been taking, and when they last took a dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Have current medications or inhalers/spacers available for viewing during the visit
  • Write down any questions you have, as not to forget them during the visit
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