Are You Expecting?


Having a baby? Want to learn more about our pediatricians and tour the office? 

Starting a family or welcoming another child into your family is a wonderful experience and truly a gift. Along with the beauty and joy of pregnancy, delivery, and then coming home, there are bound to be times when you have questions about how to care for your baby and family. We are thrilled to help guide through this exciting (and scary) time, so feel free to ask any questions no matter how small.

We want to help you make the best decision for your family when it comes to choosing your pediatrician. Scheduling a Meet and Greet is a great way for prospective parents and new patients to ask questions, see how we work, and meet one of our doctors. Please review our Providers Page to get to know our pediatricians, and call us today to set up a Meet and Greet.

In order to provide the best quality care for our patients, from time to time, some of our providers may temporarily be unable to accept new patients. Please call the office to find out which doctors are currently accepting new patients. 

Our pediatricians are on staff at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center. All babies must be seen within 24 hours of delivery, so if you are delivering at Tarzana and chosen one of our pediatricians, your doctor will be called and will meet your baby for the first time in the hospital. If you are planning on delivering at any other hospital, we can help you find a good pediatrician to care for the baby during the hospital stay and will assume your child’s care upon discharge.

A man and pregnant woman are sitting on a sofa
What To Bring
  • Both parent’s insurance information.
  • Plenty of diapers and an extra set of clothes.
  • Completed new patient forms, if possible, prior to the visit to help make the appointment as smooth as possible. 
  • If baby is not born at Tarzana, please bring any paperwork given to you from the hospital, including hearing screen results and immunization record.

Before Your First Appointment

Before you leave the hospital, you will call the office to notify our staff of the baby’s arrival and schedule your first appointment. You may want to download and fill out our Patient Registration Forms ahead of time.

Make sure to notify your insurance of your baby’s birth and start the process to add the baby to either mom’s, dad’s, or their own plan. Please also speak with our billing office to find out which insurance plans we currently take.

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