We like to begin your newborn care in the hospital and continue as an integral part of the comprehensive care provided by our professional team. If you deliver at Tarzana Medical Center, your pediatrician will meet your newborn for the first time in the hospital.
In cooperation with community based mental health providers, we evaluate and treat children for behavior concerns and school problems including, but not limited to:
Our practice provides comprehensive asthma and allergy management for our patients. Our pediatricians are trained in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma and allergies.
Regular physicals are an important part of preventative pediatric care. Getting your child a sports physical gives the doctor the opportunity to examine your child, evaluate their health and fitness, and determine whether or not they are prepared for sports or school activities.
If your child has a disability or a chronic illness, your journey may feel like the road less traveled. You probably have interactions with many different professionals and specialists. You need information, assistance, understanding, and support. We are here to support you.
We recommend ear piercing occur after 3 months old. Waiting until children are 3 months old ensures that they have had their first set of vaccines and allows the ear to grow big enough to allow for accurate placing of the earrings. We want to make sure that this elective procedure carries as little risk to your child as possible.
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
Extended Hours:
Monday - Friday
8am-9am and 5pm-6pm
9am - 12pm
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
Extended Hours:
Monday - Friday
8am-9am and 5pm-6pm
9am - 12pm